Explore With Me!


Traveling is a major passion of mine, whether I'm alone or with company. I love exploring new food and geography, from the mountains to the beach. My desire to experience new places and cultures drives me to constantly seek out new adventures.


Since childhood, I've been fascinated by technology and have been following its developments. I'm always seeking to understand how things work, from hardware to AI. My passion for technology drives me to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations.


I am passionate about business ideas and insights, learning from success and failure. I explore and analyze current business events in Bangladesh and globally. My enthusiasm for business drives me to stay informed and seek new opportunities.


I'll be sharing my thoughts and ideas on a wide range of topics, from technology and travel to past events and photography. Join me on this journey of discovery and exploration, as we delve into the fascinating world around us. Whether you're looking for inspiration, information, or just a fresh perspective, you'll find it all here.


In the vibrant landscape of Bangladeshi startups, ideas are the seeds that sprout innovation. From disruptive tech solutions to sustainable social ventures, our community thrives on creativity. In this section, we delve into thought-provoking concepts, exploring how these seeds can blossom into impactful ventures. Join us as we unravel the power of ideas!


In an era where bytes shape our reality, technology isn’t just a buzzword—it’s our compass. As a tech enthusiast, I explore the convergence of innovation and practicality. From AI-driven workflows to seamless communication tools, we’ll unravel how tech fuels productivity, fosters collaboration, and transforms workplaces. Buckle up for a journey through the digital frontier!


As a passionate traveler, I’ve roamed sun-kissed beaches, hiked misty mountains, and savored street food in bustling markets. But beyond the scenic vistas, it’s the people—their stories, traditions, and laughter—that captivate me. Join me on this global journey as we unravel the tapestry of diverse cultures, one adventure at a time.


From the fall of empires to scientific breakthroughs, history’s tapestry weaves threads of impact. The Renaissance sparked curiosity, while wars reshaped borders. The suffrage movement echoed equality’s call. Today, as we navigate pandemics and climate crises, we stand on shoulders of past giants. Let’s decode the past, anticipate the future, and sculpt a world anew.


As a seeker of moments, I wield my camera like a time traveler. Sunsets, bustling streets, candid smiles—they all find refuge in my frames. Each click etches a chapter, a memory waiting to unfold. Join me as we journey through pixels and memories, tracing the contours of life’s evolution.

What I Do Else

I'll be sharing my passion for photography through a series of photo blogs. From capturing the beauty of nature to the hustle and bustle of city life, I hope to give you a glimpse of the world through my lens.

My Blog Entries

Welcome to my blog, where I explore the intersection of AI and technology, urban planning, and my travels. Join me as I share insights from my fascinating cousins and dive into business case studies. Let's discover the future together.

About Artificial General Intelligence

  • Sohel Sagar
  • 14 May 2024

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the concept of machines with human-like intelligence and cognitive abilities. While AGI has the potential to revolutionize industries and solve complex problems, it also raises concerns about job displacement and the potential for misuse. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between AGI and AI, and discuss why AGI research should be approached with caution and bounded by ethical guidelines.

Travelling is fun when it is not planned

  • Sohel Sagar
  • 08 May 2024

Traveling without a plan can lead to some of the most memorable and exciting experiences. In this post, I'll share some of my favorite trips where I embraced the unknown and let the journey guide me. From unexpected detours to new friendships, these adventures were filled with surprises. However, as I'll also discuss, there are some downsides to not having a plan.

Some interesting places I visited

  • Sohel Sagar
  • 02 May 2024

In my travels, I've had the opportunity to visit some truly fascinating places. From the lush rice paddies of Bali, Indonesia to the serene lakeside of Pokhara, Nepal, each destination has offered its own unique charm. In this post, I'll be sharing some of the most interesting places I've visited and the one thing that made them stand out to me.

How is Dhaka City holding itself?

  • Sohel Sagar
  • 28 April 2024

Dhaka, one of the most densely populated cities in the world, is a bustling metropolis that never sleeps. Despite the challenges that come with such a large population, the city continues to thrive and function. In this post, we'll explore how Dhaka is holding itself together and the areas that may require more attention and restructuring.

The failure of a great restaurant- a case study of Gorrette

  • Sohel Sagar
  • 24 April 2024

Starting a restaurant is a dream for many, but the reality can be much harsher. In this post, I'll be sharing my experience with Gorrette, a restaurant business that I entered and ultimately failed. I'll be discussing the reasons for its failure and the valuable lessons that I've learned from this experience.

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